Who we are

The Morrow County Broadband Network Consortium is a public agency dedicated organization working to improve internet connectivity and access in Morrow County, Oregon. Our mission is to bring reliable, high-speed broadband infrastructure to unserved and underserved areas within our community

Our agency is organized under Oregon Revised Statutes 190.010. We have a five-member board of directors appointed by the Port of Morrow and Morrow County that meets regularly to discuss and approve the board’s operations.

Our current board members are:

John Murray, Port of Morrow

Board Chair (Appointed 2023, Term ends June 30, 2027)

Rick Stokoe, Port of Morrow

Boardmember (Appointed 2023, Term ends June 30, 2025)

David Sykes, Morrow County

Boardmember (Appointed 2023, Term ends January 4, 2027)

Jeff Wenholz, Morrow County (Vice-chair)

Boardmember (Appointed 2023, Term ends January 4, 2027)

Torrie Griggs

Board Secretary (Appointed 2023, Term is indefinite)


Contact us

Interested in learning more? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!